
What We
Fight For

At the local, state and national levels; at the bargaining table and in the halls of power — our union is constantly fighting to advance your rights, your power in the workplace and your dignity.

We Fight for Your Benefits

NYSUT fights for a decent wage, health care, benefits and workplace protections.

Unions Fight for Benefits

Contract protection
You are protected by a contract. You have peace of mind knowing your salary, benefits and working conditions are established and defended.

Salaries are higher when you're in a union
The median weekly earnings of union workers are nearly 30 percent higher than non-union workers.

A more secure retirement
Union workers are more likely to have employer-provided pensions than non-union workers. Meanwhile, in 2012, 77 percent of union members were covered by defined-benefit pensions, as compared to fewer than 20 percent of non-union workers.

We Fight for Your Profession

NYSUT gives you a voice with lawmakers and policymakers to improve your workplace and profession.

NYSUT Fights for Your Profession

When policy and legislation that affects your profession are being set in Albany and Washington, D.C., NYSUT ensures legislators and policymakers hear the members' voices.

The union's advocacy, by both its expert legislative staff and nearly 700,000 statewide members, has produced a long track record of success in protecting the K-12, higher education, health care and human service professions.

We Fight for Your Rights

NYSUT is your partner in advocacy and legal representation.

Advocacy and legal representation for union members

Legal representation for members
NYSUT's staff attorneys are highly experienced in education, civil service and labor law and are available to assist members with job-related issues, including disciplinary cases and in most certification and licensing cases. This professional legal representation could otherwise cost you tens of thousands of dollars in private attorney legal fees; it is available to members at no cost.

Your partner in advocacy
Your NYSUT labor relations specialist (LRS) has extensive experience and expertise in workplace issues, such as contract negotiations and enforcement through the grievance procedure. Your LRS works with your local's president to provide assistance before, during and after contract negotiations to maximize the impact of your collective voices.

We Fight For a Better World

As a union member, you are part of a community dedicated to each other and to making the world a better place.

Union fight for social justice

When policy and legislation that affects your profession are being set in Albany and Washington, D.C., NYSUT ensures legislators and policymakers hear the members' voices.

The union's advocacy, by both its expert legislative staff and nearly 700,000 statewide members, has produced a long track record of success in protecting the K-12, higher education, health care and human service professions.